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* wisdom teeth removal

* difficult dental extractions

* surgery to facilitate orthodontic treatment 

* removal of mouth and jaw lesions - cysts and tumours

* surgical endodontics - after teeth have had root canal therapy

* treatment of sinus problems

* dental implants

* bone grafting to facilitate dental implant placment

* treatment of facial bone fractures

* orthognathic surgery - surgery to correct jaw deformities

* TMJ (jaw joint) disorders - conservative and surgical treatment

* oral medicine


A referral is required from your medical practitioner or dental surgeon.


Surgical treatment is only carried out after a consultation.



Wisdom Teeth

Wisdom teeth generally become impactd due to lack of space in the jaws. Wisdom teeth  may cause problems at any time and need to be removed, but as a rule it is easier to remove wisdom teeth when patients are young, with recovery being quicker and less complicated. A discussion on the risks and benefits of removal is very important, and Professor Mitchell will speak to you about this.  Some wisdom teeth however do not need to be removed. 

Orthodontic Surgery

A number of surgical procedures are carried out to assist orthodontic treatment, in particular the removal of retained baby teeth, wisdom teeth, other impacted teeth and minor soft tissue procedures. Perhaps the most commonly requested procedure is the exposure of impacted teeth (especially canines) to allow for their guided eruption into the dental arch. In most cases your orthodontist will refer you to Professor Mitchell to discuss the proposed surgery.

Jaw and Mouth Lesions

Soft tissue lesions effecting the mouth are very common and in most cases benign. They often require conservative surgical treatment to prevent further growth. Cysts of the jaws are also fairly common and usually arise from teeth that fail to erupt; again they are benign but can grow quite large and require removal. Tumours of the mouth and jaws may sometimes be cancerous and any lump or sore in the mouth that does not heal should be urgently investigated

Orthognathic Surgery

The correction of bite problems caused by underlying jaw deformity is advanced surgey. Professor Mitchell specialises in this particular area and carries out many such procedures every year. Please refer to the Orthognathic Surgery page of this web site for a fuller description and also to view before and after photographs of patients. Professor Mitchell has also produced a Patient Information Brochure to help you better understand this type of surgery

TMJ (Jaw Joint) Problems

Problems with the jaw joints are very common, especially TMJ dysfunction which is usually caused by clenching the teeth at night during sleep. Symptoms include joint clicking, joint and muscle pain, ear ache, headache and restriction of jaw movements with symptoms made worse when eating chewy foods and opening the mouth widely. Conservative treatment with a bite splint, jaw rest and analgesics usually suffices but sometimes surgical treatment is necessary.

Jaw Fractures

Professor Mitchell has a very long experience in the management of fratures of the facial bones - particularly the lower jaw and cheek bones. The modern method of treating these injuries is with small titanium plates and screws that rigidly hold the jaws in their correct position thus restoring facial appearance and importantly the correct positoin of your teeth without the need to "wire" your jaw together. Jaw fractures, by necessity are treated urgently

Impacted Wisdom Teeth

Cancer of the Tongue

Jaw Cyst with Impacted Wisdom Tooth

Fractured Cheekbone

Office Hours

Monday -  Friday     8:30 am - 5:00 pm

Sydney Advanced Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery
St. Geroge Private Hospital & Medical Centre. Kogarah 2217

Tel: +61 2 95537543
Fax: +61 2 95537533

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